5 Euro Münze 2017
5 Euro Münze 2017

Polymer coins

Visible security

The State Mints of Baden-Wuerttemberg were leaders in the development of the polymer coin, which possesses a whole new level of security. Not only is the polymer ring a visible security feature for each user, with the addition of nano-pigments it can also serve as a covert security feature. Thus, for the first time, coins can be produced that are as difficult to forge as banknotes.

The new type of high-capacity material has been certified by the Rhineland-Westphalian Technical College (RWTH) in Aachen. Its special properties include conductivity, chemical resistance and durability in the face of temperature variation, UV radiation and water. The material is characterised by its high suitability for minting and retains the transparent clarity of a thermoplastic polymer even after it has been struck.

polymer joining machine from Schuler Pressen GmbH
© Schuler Pressen GmbH

Lower production costs thanks to longer life expectancy

The polymer coin is an innovation that makes raising the note / coin boundary both possible and logical. That means huge potential savings for central banks, since producing polymer coins, assessed on the length of time that they remain in circulation, is significantly cheaper than printing banknotes, but with the same level of security.

Polymer technology is tried and tested. On 14 April 2016, approx. 2 million 5 euro commemorative coins produced using polymer technology were issued to the German public at face value. Theoretically, these coins can enter circulation in Germany. However, so popular are they among collectors that they cannot be found in circulation and at auction often achieve prices greatly in excess of their face value.

Assistant Undersecretary Walter Leibold mints the first 5-euro collector coin “Subtropical Climate Zone”

Polymer Coin Wins IACA Award for Best Coin Innovation

‘I consider this a real innovation’

The State Mints of Baden-Wuerttemberg naturally also produce polymer coins on behalf of foreign central banks. We’d be delighted to hear from you if you need further advice on how polymer coins can make a meaningful addition to your country’s suite of denominations.

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